
Please Note: Some committee information may be outdated. We are in the process of getting the information updated. In the meantime, please contact Jody Vaughn at if you have questions.

Explore Committees

Committees provide opportunities for staff and students to work collaboratively on projects, programs, and events within and outside of their units. Committees also offer staff professional development opportunities, foster collaboration, and help drive innovation throughout the division.

Student Affairs Committees

Student Affairs committees advise Student Affairs leadership, select award and grant recipients, plan programs and recommend funding priorities within the Division.

Some Student Affairs committee members serve based on their position and/or knowledge with relation to the particular committee. Others serve as general members providing perspectives, learning about other units, forming partnerships and brainstorming future collaborations.

An annual survey is sent out to all Student Affairs staff in late-Spring to collect interest in committee membership. If you have any questions about the committee, please contact the chairperson listed for the committee. If you have questions about the committee selection process, please contact Jody Vaughn at

Committees include:

Campus Committees and Boards


University of Illinois campus committees need YOUR voice!

Being involved in a campus committee allows students an unparalleled opportunity to shape the Illinois experience, represent the student body, and have their ideas heard.

If you are interested in serving on a campus committee, browse through this list and learn more about how you can contribute.

All Committees

Sustainability Committees

Senate Committees of the Urbana-Champaign Campus